An artisanal QR code

Article published in PagedOut! issue #2.

Data to encode

Encoding of "PagedOut!" results in 16 bytes of data:

  mode|length   |P        |a        |g        |e        |d        |O        |u        |t        |!        |padding
  0100 0000 1001 0101 0000 0110 0001 0110 0111 0110 0101 0110 0100 0100 1111 0111 0101 0111 0100 0010 0001 0000 1110 1100 0001 0001 1110 1100 0001 0001 1110 1100

  0x40      0x95      0x6       0x16      0x76      0x56      0x44      0xf7      0x57      0x42      0x10      0xec      0x11      0xec      0x11      0xec


Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code (ECC)

The article contains a JavaScript snippet to compute the Reed-Solomon ECC. Here, we can see the same calculation being performed using middle school style long division. We use xor instead of substraction. It is feasible to perform these calculations using just pen and paper.

We are going to divide by [1,216,194,159,111,199,94,95,113,157,193] (the divisor can be computed or we can look up appendix A in the standard and use a log table).

note: the powers of x have been omitted — the notation 1, 2, 3, ... is actually 1*x^25 + 2*x^24 + 3*x^23...

1,216,194,159,111,199,94,95,113,157,193 |   64,149,  6, 22,118, 86, 68,247, 87, 66, 16,236, 17,236, 17,236,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
                                         ^  64,  4,202, 20,194,151, 30, 94, 17,148, 10     <= if computing by hand, the multiplication of the divisor
                                           -------------------------------------------        is easiest to compute with log/antilog tables.
                                               145,204,  2,180,193, 90,169, 70,214, 26,236
                                             ^ 145,209,247,178, 72, 24,235,122, 16,141, 89
                                                    29,245,  6,137, 66, 66, 60,198,151,181, 17
                                                 ^  29, 16, 15, 80, 47,102,120,101, 68,106, 40
                                                       229,  9,217,109, 36, 68,163,211,223, 57,236
                                                     ^ 229,145,203,239,244,157, 22,243, 29, 56,249
                                                           152, 18,130,208,217,181, 32,194,  1, 21, 17
                                                         ^ 152,135,107,161,120,169,127,231,206,140,222
                                                               149,233,113,161, 28, 95, 37,207,153,207,236
                                                             ^ 149,150,216,244,233, 35,142, 27,201,195,122
                                                                   127,169, 85,245,124,171,212, 80, 12,150,  0
                                                                 ^ 127,187, 57,109, 82,167,213,170, 49,147,184
                                                                        18,108,152, 46, 12,  1,250, 61,  5,184,  0
                                                                     ^  18,172, 37, 38, 96,127, 53, 39,161,  2, 19
                                                                           192,189,  8,108,126,207, 26,164,186, 19,  0
                                                                         ^ 192, 12, 67, 60, 91,164, 34,226, 51,161, 30
                                                                               177, 75, 80, 37,107, 56, 70,137,178, 30,  0
                                                                             ^ 177,211,146,184, 41,221,228, 85,150,199, 92
                                                                                   152,194,157, 66,229,162,220, 36,217, 92,  0
                                                                                 ^ 152,135,107,161,120,169,127,231,206,140,222
                                                                                        69,246,227,157, 11,163,195, 23,208,222,  0
                                                                                     ^  69,155, 39,205, 12,107, 37, 96,185, 71,232
                                                                                           109,196, 80,  7,200,230,119,105,153,232,  0
                                                                                         ^ 109, 23, 28, 75, 50,216,224,141,144,145,171
                                                                                               211, 76, 76,250, 62,151,228,  9,121,171,  0
                                                                                             ^ 211,120,164,133, 84, 28, 73,154,227, 62,204
                                                                                                    52,232,127,106,139,173,147,154,149,204,  0
                                                                                                 ^  52, 68,246, 73,126, 18,227,215, 28, 33,170
                                                                                                       172,137, 35,245,191,112, 77,137,237,170,  0
                                                                                                     ^ 172,195,157,232,  6,187,156, 48,210,173,116
                                                                                                            74,190, 29,185,203,209,185, 63,  7,116 <= our error correcting code

Note: these multiplications and divisions using xor are basic Galois Field operations. If you understand these, you can perform AES encryption or decryption by hand — AES requires similar operations in addition to swapping bytes around using predefined tables.

BCH Correcting Code

Similarly to above, we can use long division with xor to calculate the BCH correcting code.

data = 00101
divisor = 10100110111
mask = 101010000010010

    10100110111 | 001010000000000
                  ^ 10100110111
                    0000011011100  <= remainder

data + remainder = 001010011011100
                 ^ 101010000010010 (xor with mask)
                   100000011001110 <= format info

Step-by-step drawing

