Alok Menghrajani

Previously: security engineer at Square, co-author of HackLang, put the 's' in https at Facebook. Maker of CTFs.

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Hugi is a size optimization competition. I participated in the taquin challenge and placed last :(

The best entry was 273 bytes, mine was almost double at 474 bytes. Download the rules, examples and all entries.

Hugi compo website

; Programmed by Alok Menghrajani
; Join the SWISS TEAM !!!

; Special thanks to everybody at hugi !!!
; Vielen Dank Blick...

; Version 3.0
;  111111   (n mod 2 == 0) => ver
; 0      2  vert and >3 => length 7 else length 6
; 0      2
;  333333
; 4      6
; 4      6
;  555555
    .model tiny

; LED = Light Emitting Diode.
;                       6543210
Led   db  11101110b ;0
    db  10001000b ;1
    db  01111100b ;2
    db  11011100b ;3
    db  10011010b ;4
    db  11010110b ;5
    db  11110110b ;6
    db  10001110b ;7
    db  11111110b ;8
    db  11011110b ;9

LedSeg    dw      6+8*320   ;0
    dw  7+7*320   ;1
    dw  13+8*320  ;2
    dw  7+14*320  ;3
    dw  6+15*320  ;4
    dw  7+22*320  ;5
    dw  13+15*320 ;6

Grid            db      0, 13, 10, 07
                db      04, 01, 14, 11
                db      08, 05, 02, 15
                db      12, 09, 06, 03

msgWin          db  'Winning field after $'
msgEsc          db  'You have quit after $'
msgMoves        db  ' moves',0dh,0ah,'$'
MovesCounter    dw      0
szOutFile       db      'keys',0
fHandle         dw      ?
holePosN  dw      0
holePosX  db  0
checkWin  db  0   

    org 256
; Set mode 13h
    mov al,13h      ;2
    int 10h     ;2
; Save VRAM in es
    push  0a000h      ;3
    pop es      ;1
; Create key file
    mov     dx,offset szOutFile ;3
    xor     cx,cx     ;2
          mov     ah,3ch      ;2
          int     21h     ;2
          mov     fHandle,ax    ;3 (4?)
    xor cx,cx     ;2
; Draw border (size=22)
; using two filled rect.
    mov di,95+35*320    ;3
    mov al,7      ;2
    mov dx,130      ;3
    call  myBox     ;3
    mov al,0      ;2
    mov di,96+36*320    ;3
    mov dx,128      ;3
    call  myBox     ;3
; Draw Board & Check win simultaneously.
MainLoop: mov di,97+3*32+(37+3*32)*320  ;3
    mov si,4*4-1    ;3
    mov cl,4      ;2
    mov [checkWin],0ffh   ;4 (5?)
db_outer: push  cx      ;1
    mov cl,4      ;2
db_inner: mov     al, Grid[si]            ;3 (4?) the tile value & also color
    xor ah,ah     ;2
    cmp ax,si     ;2
    je  db_cont     ;2
    mov [checkWin],0    ;4 (5?)
db_cont:  mov dx,30     ;3
    call  myBox     ;3
    add di,-30*320    ;4
; draw leds
    aam     10                      ;2 ah = al/10,   al = al MOD 10
    push  cx      ;1
    push  ax      ;1
    mov bl,ah     ;2
    call  drawDigit   ;3
    pop bx      ;1
    add di,10     ;3
    call  drawDigit   ;3
    pop cx      ;1
; next tile
    add di,-32-10   ;3
    dec si      ;1
    loop  db_inner    ;2
    add di,-32*320+32*4   ;4
    pop cx      ;1
    loop  db_outer    ;2
; Check win
    mov     dx,offset msgWin  ;3
    mov al,[checkWin]   ;2
    cmp al,0FFh     ;2
    jz  Quit      ;2
; Wait for keyboard...
    mov ah,00h      ;2 function 00h of
    int 16h     ;2 interrupt 16h
; Save key in file...
    push    ax      ;1
          mov     cl,1      ;3
          mov     dx,sp     ;2
          mov     bx,fHandle    ;3
          mov     ah,40h      ;2
          int     21h     ;2
          pop     ax      ;1
; Check case
    cmp al,'8'      ;2
    jne cc_2      ;2
    cmp [holePosN],12   ;3 (4/5?)
    jae cc_2      ;2
    mov di,4      ;3
    jmp swap      ;2

cc_2:   cmp al,'2'
    jne cc_3
    cmp [holePosN],3
    jbe cc_3
    mov di,-4
    jmp swap

cc_3:   cmp al,'4'
    jne cc_4
    cmp [holePosX],3
    je  cc_4
    mov di,1
    inc [holePosX]
    jmp swap

cc_4:   cmp al,'6'
    jne cc_s
    cmp [holePosX],0
    je  cc_s
    mov di,-1
    dec [holePosX]
    jmp swap

swap:   mov bx,[holePosN]   ;3
    mov     ah, Grid[bx+di]   ;3
    mov     Grid[bx], ah    ;3
          mov     Grid[bx+di], 0          ;3 replace hole
          add     [holePosN],  di         ;3 update hole (x, y) position
    inc     [MovesCounter]          ;3 MovesCounter + 1
cc_s:         mov     dx,offset msgEsc  ;3
          cmp     al,' '      ;2
    jne MainLoop    ;2 [SPACE] ?

; Get ready to quit...
; Set back mode 3
Quit:   mov ax,3h     ;3
    int 10h     ;2
; Display msg stored in dx
    mov ah,09h      ;2 game ended after
    int 21h     ;2
; Convert number to string
    mov ax,[MovesCounter] ;3
    xor cx,cx     ;2 length of digits..
    mov bx,10     ;3
decompose:  mov dx,0      ;3
    div bx      ;2
    push  dx      ;1
    inc cx      ;1
    or  ax,ax
    jnz decompose   ;2
disp:   pop dx      ;1
    add dl,48     ;2
    mov ah,2      ;2
    int 21h     ;2 Digits...
    loop  disp      ;2

    mov dx,offset msgMoves  ;3 moves !!!
    mov ah,09h      ;2
    int 21h     ;2
; Quit to dos
    ret       ;1
; Routine size:
; al: digit.
  xor bh,bh       ;2
        mov     ah, Led[bx]     ;4
        xor al,al                   ;2 color 0 (all LED use color 0)
        mov     bx,12       ;3
        shl     ah, 1       ;2
        jnc     dl_next               ;2 don't draw line section ?

        ;; now draw a LED section (either vert or horz line) ;;
  push  di        ;1
        push  bx        ;1
  xor dx,dx       ;2
  add     di,LedSeg[bx]     ;4 ?
        mov     cx,6        ;3
  shr bx,1        ;2
  shr bx,1        ;2
  pop bx        ;1
  jc  dl_odd        ;2
  mov dx,319        ;3 vert
  cmp bx,8        ;4
  jb  dl_odd        ;2
  mov cx,7        ;3
dl_odd: stosb
        add     di,dx           ;2 advance DI by +1 or +320
        loop    dl_odd        ;2
        pop di        ;1
        sub     bx,2        ;3
        jns     dl_loop               ;2 repeat for all 7 LED sections

  ret         ;1

; Routine size:
; al: color   dx: width    di:changed
myBox:    push  cx      ;1
    mov cx,dx     ;2
mb_loop:  push  cx      ;1
    mov cx,dx     ;2
    rep stosb     ;2
    sub di,dx     ;2
    add di,320      ;4
    pop cx      ;1
    loop  mb_loop     ;2
    pop cx      ;1
    ret       ;1
    end     start