Alok Menghrajani
Previously: security engineer at Square, co-author of HackLang, put the 's' in https at Facebook. Maker of CTFs.
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A minor WTF in openssl, where mixing encryption & decryption functions does not result in an error. This can lead to subtle security bugs if the code is poorly written.
This pull request to address this issue has been open for over a year; it seems nobody cares?
A sane library should fail at the EVP_DecryptUpdate on line 123. Running this code (openssl 1.0.1) however results in:
Encrypting: assertion ok: EVP_EncryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_EncryptUpdate assertion ok: EVP_EncryptFinal_ex assertion ok: check ct1 len cipher text: eb87ad64ea2696370c99e6e7 Decrypting: assertion ok: EVP_DecryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_DecryptUpdate assertion ok: EVP_DecryptFinal_ex assertion ok: check pt2 len assertion ok: pt2 == pt1 plain text: hello world Decrypting a subset, with EVP_EncryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_EncryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_DecryptUpdate assertion ok: EVP_DecryptFinal_ex plain text: hello worl Decrypting a subset, with EVP_DecryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_DecryptInit_ex assertion ok: EVP_DecryptUpdate ASSERTION FAILURE: EVP_DecryptFinal_ex plain text: hello worl
/** * openssl's EVP library does not prevent you from mixing * encryption & decryption functions on a given ctx. This * can lead to subtle bugs if the code is poorly written. * Data will get decrypted but not authenticated! * * Compile and run with: * gcc -o openssl_wtf openssl_wtf.c * -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lssl -lcrypto * ./openssl_wtf */ #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include <openssl/bio.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/rand.h> void assert(int exp, char *msg) { if (!exp) { printf(" ASSERTION FAILURE: %s\n", msg); } else { printf(" assertion ok: %s\n", msg); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *)"blah"; unsigned char iv[12] = { 0x00 }; unsigned char tag[16] = { 0x00 }; unsigned char pt1[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', 0}; unsigned char ct1[sizeof(pt1)]; unsigned char ct2[sizeof(pt1) - 2]; unsigned char pt2[sizeof(pt1)]; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; int ct_offset, pt2_offset, t, r; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); /* Initialize IV, don't use pseudo_bytes in real code */ RAND_pseudo_bytes(iv, sizeof(iv)); /* Encrypt the plain text */ printf("Encrypting:\n"); bzero(ct1, sizeof(ct1)); r = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, key, iv); assert(r == 1, "EVP_EncryptInit_ex"); ct_offset = 0; r = EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, ct1 + ct_offset, &t, pt1, sizeof(pt1)); ct_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_EncryptUpdate"); r = EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(&ctx, ct1 + ct_offset, &t); ct_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex"); assert(ct_offset == sizeof(ct1), "check ct1 len"); /* Save tag */ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(&ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG, sizeof(tag), tag); /* Clean up */ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); printf("cipher text: "); for (t=0; t<sizeof(ct1); t++) { printf("%02x", ct1[t]); } printf("\n\n"); /* Decrypt the cipher text */ printf("Decrypting:\n"); bzero(pt2, sizeof(pt1)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); r = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, key, iv); assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptInit_ex"); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(&ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, sizeof(tag), tag); pt2_offset = 0; r = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t, ct1, sizeof(ct1)); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptUpdate"); r = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex"); assert(pt2_offset == sizeof(pt1), "check pt2 len"); r = 1; for (t=0; t<sizeof(pt1); t++) { r = r && (pt1[t] == pt2[t]); } assert(r == 1, "pt2 == pt1"); printf("plain text: %s\n", pt2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); printf("\n"); /* Truncate the cipher text */ for (t=0; t<sizeof(ct2); t++) { ct2[t] = ct1[t]; } /* Decrypt a subset */ printf("Decrypting a subset, with EVP_EncryptInit_ex\n"); bzero(pt2, sizeof(pt2)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); r = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, key, iv); assert(r == 1, "EVP_EncryptInit_ex"); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(&ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, sizeof(tag), tag); pt2_offset = 0; r = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t, ct2, sizeof(ct2)); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptUpdate"); r = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex"); printf("plain text: %s\n", pt2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); printf("\n"); /* Decrypt a subset, correctly this time */ printf("Decrypting a subset, with EVP_DecryptInit_ex\n"); bzero(pt2, sizeof(pt2)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); r = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, key, iv); assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptInit_ex"); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(&ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, sizeof(tag), tag); pt2_offset = 0; r = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t, ct2, sizeof(ct2)); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptUpdate"); r = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, pt2 + pt2_offset, &t); pt2_offset += t; assert(r == 1, "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex"); printf("plain text: %s\n", pt2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); }